How to Help

🚨 Act Now❗️

  • Contact Your Members of Congress Using a Petition-Style Form

    With one simple click, this form will automatically send a message to all of your Representatives and Senators using the One Click Politics platform. Please share this link with everyone you know!

  • Message Your Members of Congress Through Their Website

    Every time a message gets sent using the “Message Me” form on your members of congress’ website, your message gets logged and tracked.

  • Call Your Members of Congress

    Members of Congress return home periodically. Check their websites or call their offices to find out about local events for constituents. Then attend an event, introduce yourself, and kindly ask them to support/co-sponsor the bipartisan SHINE for Autumn Act.

  • Tweet about SHINE

    And make sure to tag your Members of Congress! Click the link below for sample messages and a list of Members’ social media handles.

Other Ways to Get Involved

  • Join Our Mailing List

    We will contact you about simple but impactful ways you can help, like making phone calls and sending emails to your elected officials.

  • Follow Us on Social Media

    Stay up to date about our progress and help us spread the word about SHINE. Each like, comment, and share helps!

    insta twitter facebook

  • Share Your Stillbirth Story

    Your baby matters. Sharing your stillbirth story can have a powerful impact on elected officials and move them to support SHINE.

  • Volunteer Your Skills

    SHINE Friends help us with web design, social media, press, etc.

  • Become a SHINE Star

    SHINE Stars are volunteers who work with SHINE leadership to organize constituent support for SHINE in their home states.

  • Make a Donation

    The SHINE Leadership Team and SHINE Stars are volunteers, but we are raising money to cover expenses associated with passing SHINE.

  • Attend an In-District Event

    Attend an In-District Event

    Members of Congress return home periodically. Check their websites or call their offices to find out about local events for constituents. Then attend an event, introduce yourself, and kindly ask them to support/co-sponsor the bipartisan SHINE for Autumn Act.

Best Way to Help - Contact Your Members of Congress!

We’ve tried to make this as easy as possible for you with “callable links” for both your Reps and Senators. Thank you for your help in raising the volume on the silent stillbirth crisis!! Just remember, you can leave a message too!

Sample Call Script

WHEN CALLING HOUSE:  Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY]. I'm calling to urge Representative [NAME] to co-sponsor the bipartisan SHINE for Autumn Act, H.R. 5012 which aims to address the U.S. stillbirth crisis, which tragically accounts for the death of over 21,000 babies every year. We must do more to protect families nationwide! I hope we can count on Representative [LAST NAME’s] support! Thank you!

WHEN CALLING SENATE: Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY]. I'm calling to urge SENATOR [LAST NAME] to co-sponsor the bipartisan SHINE for Autumn Act, S. 2647 which aims to address the US stillbirth crisis, which tragically accounts for the death of over 21,000 babies every year. We must do more to protect families nationwide. I hope we can count on the Senator’s support! Thank you!

Sample Twitter Messages

A bipartisan issue to support- Stillbirth Prevention! @MemberAccount, please give the heartbreaking tragedy of #stillbirth the priority it deserves by cosponsoring the #SHINEforAutumnAct TODAY! Every family nationwide deserve this bill. Thank YOU!

@MemberAcct We can make a difference TODAY in the fight against #stillbirth with the comprehensive #SHINEforAutumnAct. SHINE is a crucial step forward in addressing this devastating crisis & YOUR involvement is key to its success. Please co-sponsor today!

Thank you TWEET: Huge thanks to @MemberAccount for cosponsoring the #SHINEforAutumnAct. SHINE is a crucial step forward in addressing this devastating crisis + will lead to saving more babies lives! Your leadership ensures #stillbirth will no longer be ignored.